ReproHealth Research Consortium ZUH
Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling indgår som en hovedpartner i ReproHealth Research Consortium ZUH sammen med Gynækologisk/Obstetrisk Afdeling, Patologiafdelingen og Børneafdelingen på Sjællands Universitetshospital. Derudover indgår en lang række nationale og internationale samarbejdspartnere fra hospitaler og universiteter i konsortiets forskellige forskningsprojekter.
Formålet med eliteforskningskonsortiet er at udføre forskning på internationalt niveau, der i det større perspektiv vil kunne forbedre behandlingen af infertilitet, assisteret reproduktion og graviditetskomplikationer, og derved bidrage til at kvinder trygt og sikkert kan gennemføre graviditet og fødsel.
ReproHealth Research Consortium ZUH
The course of pregnancy and subsequent health of the woman and of her offspring are highly influenced by events in the period between preconception and establishment of ongoing pregnancy.
Periconceptional events during gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation and placentation not only determine fertility, but the risk of developing severe conditions of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, growth retardation and gestational diabetes, and the long-term health of the offspring.
The intrauterine environment has been shown to be a factor in programming fetal development and adaptation, directly impacting on postnatal and later adult health.
While the importance of this crucial and sensitive period for fertility and health is now clear, research in this area has primarily focused on factors determining embryo development in vivo and in vitro, leading in turn to more effective fertility treatments. However, in recent years in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy rates have plateaued.
t is now recognized that achieving further improvements in the efficacy and long-term safety of IVF will require a greater understanding of the role of the endometrium in implantation, and the establishment of a healthy placenta, pregnancy and child.
Current demographic and societal changes render this area of endeavour particularly important at this time. Aging of the population, rising levels of obesity and changing patterns of reproductive behavior, including increasing delay in childbearing, threaten to have profound effects on the health and demographic balance of Western societies.
To meet this challenge, significant improvements in the effectiveness of fertility treatments, the prevention and treatment of pregnancy complications and the promotion of periconceptional health are required.
The ReproHealth Consortium aims to pursue internationally competitive research designed to enable women to conceive more readily and to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth, and thus make a significant contribution to the World Health Organization goal of optimizing the chance of having a healthy child and mother.
Combining clinical and research specialist expertise in infertility, implantation, reproductive immunology, endometrial function, periconceptional medicine and paediatrics with state-of-the-art laboratory research methodologies it will investigate pathophysiological endometrial mechanisms behind infertility, implantation failure and the periconceptional origins of major pregnancy complications with focus on intrauterine growth restriction and pre-eclampsia.
Clinical intervention studies will assess novel therapeutic strategies. Experimental and laboratory studies will utilize advanced biochemical, molecular biological and cell culture procedures, while follow up studies will elucidate periconceptional impacts on child health outcomes.
Opdateret tirsdag den 23. jan. 2024